Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Diabetes and Sleep Dysfunction - The Destructive Cycle

Diabetes and sleep dysfunction can become a destructive cycle. One of the lesser known symptoms of prediabetes is being unable to sleep even six hours. And for type 2 diabetics the nerve pain and paresthesias we experience sometimes make it hard to sleep through the night.

What That Means To a Type 2 Diabetic

If diabetes and sleep dysfunction are connected, you need to find the causes of your sleep disturbance and what you can do about them. You don't have to resort to sleep medications, which have their own side effects and limitations. Many of the things suggested below came directly from sleep doctors, and they have worked.

Some Reasons Diabetes and Sleep Dysfunction Go Together

High blood sugar from worsening insulin resistance has been linked to the symptom of shortened sleep hours. That has led to the addition of short sleep time to the warning signs of prediabetes.

High and low blood sugars in type 2 diabetics disturb sleep. Grogginess after what should be more than sufficient sleep, and wakefulness at bedtime are two of the symptoms that often plague us if blood sugars are too high.

And low blood sugar pulls you out of sleep with sweating, shakes, anxiety attacks and blurred vision. Treating the low blood sugar and staying up to make sure the hypoglycemia does not return can mean an hour awake in the middle of the night.

Then there are the foot pains, muscle cramps from diuretics and neuropathy, and tingling and aching in hands and feet from diabetic paresthesias. These symptoms of diabetes make it hard to go to sleep and stay asleep.

Women who are type 2 diabetics and are going through menopause often have twice the problems with diabetes and sleep disturbance. Menopause changes already cause hot flashes and restless sleep, and if you add diabetic complications you have double trouble.

Blood sugar is harder to control in a type 2 diabetic who is not sleeping well. Lack of sleep adds stress, and chronic stress worsens the diabetic complications. In turn, diabetic complications worsen sleep, which worsens stress, and the cycle continues.

Breaking the Cycle of Diabetes and Sleep Dysfunction

Here are three natural substances that are known to promote sleep: melatonin, tryptophan and magnesium. Eating magnesium rich foods like almonds, seeds and whole grain snacks before bed can improve the quality of sleep.

Tryptophan is the enzyme in turkey that makes everyone sleepy after Thanksgiving Dinner. It is also found in watercress, soy protein, uncooked spinach, many seeds, and egg whites (in powdered form as well as raw).

Taking melatonin as a medication can be problematic, and it can't be done over a long period of time. Your body makes melatonin, and there is a way to boost its production. When you get up in the morning, simply expose yourself to sunlight for a few minutes.

Exercise Helps Both Diabetes and Sleep Dysfunction

One great way to get morning sunshine is to go for a walk outside. It will set your biological clock by the release of serotonin, the hormone that works with melatonin to signal your wake and sleep cycle. Melatonin release at night will be reinforced by simply adding a dose of sunshine when you wake up.

Add to that the benefit of exercise and you've done two things that will help you sleep better at night. Yes, exercise during the day helps you sleep at night. But confine vigorous exercise to at least two hours before bedtime.

The best kind of exercise to do near bedtime is stretching, deep breathing, meditative styles. They give you time to wind down before you try to sleep. There are websites that teach gentle yoga and progressive muscle relaxation techniques.

More Suggestions

Add a warm bath to your bedtime ritual. And if you watch TV in bed, quit. People who stop this habit improve their sleep almost immediately. Try aromatherapy with lavender next to the bed or under your pillow. It has been proven to aid onset and depth of sleep.

Try istening to calm and gentle music. Some people drink chamomile tea at night for its calming effect on their digestive system, but it's an herb that some are allergic to, so be sure you are not one of them before you try it.

Speaking of digestion, don't try to sleep right after a large or rich meal. Wait a little while before lying down. And don't use alcoholic drinks right before bed. Alcohol may relax you, but it disturbs sleep a few hours later when it leaves your brain, and that's something you don't want.

If you suffer from hot flashes and/or sweating at night, there's a pillow insert called a Chillow that helps keep your head cool. And if neuropathic discomfort wakes you, the over the counter anti-inflammatories like aspirin and ibuprofen can reduce foot and leg pain caused by diabetic complications.

Of course, if none of these things work for you, your doctor can offer you sleep, stress and pain medications by prescription. If you need them to help you break the cycle of diabetes and sleep dysfunction, and you are working to end insulin resistance and high blood sugar, you won't need medications forever.

Whatever helps you get on with the things that matter to you is what you need to do. It's your diabetic journey, and I wish you well.

Benefits of Omega 3 for Type 2 Diabetes

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Are you over weight? Have high blood pressure or are you a couch potato? Do you know that you fall in the high risk category of developing type 2 diabetes?. It is estimated that 9 out of 100 people over the age of 20 will develop type 2 diabetes. Many researches have been conducted on the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids obtained from cold water fish. The research has found that adding omega 3 to your diet may indeed help the battle against type 2 diabetes. The DHA and the EPA found in fish can possibly reduce diabetes 2 in a person in about 7 months.

In medical terminology, presence of excessive sugar in the blood is known as diabetes. It's a disease related to carbohydrates. Type 2 is the more common type of diabetes. A person with diabetes 2 does have insulin but it doesn't work right.

A diabetic person has a higher risk of having a heart attack. It is 6 times more than the people who do not have diabetes. They also have a risk of developing heart disease which is 3 to 8 times higher than someone without diabetes. If they include omega 3 in their diets, it could be very helpful in maintaining their heart in a healthy manner.

Getting just one gram a day of omega 3 fatty acids by eating omega 3 rich foods or taking omega 3 supplements can cut down cardiovascular mortality by 30%. That could be cutting the risk of a heart attack by 45%.

The omega 3 fatty acids food list consists of fish such as tuna, salmon, rainbow trout, mackerel and sardines. They are known as fatty fish. This type of fish is loaded with polyunsaturated fatty acids that will lower your triglycerides. They also help to maintain a healthy heart rhythm, reduce hyper tension and help with blood clotting. Taking omega 3 fish oil or other supplements may also be helpful for the statin drugs you may already be taking for cholesterol to do an even better job.

As with most diseases, doctors first try to coax you to make some changes in your life style such as your diet and including exercise in your daily regimen. Normally weight loss is an important factor. 80% of diabetic people are obese. Losing weight will also help you control your blood pressure. Exercising on a regular basis will help in controlling glucose and blood lipid levels, improve the flow of your blood, help you to get physically fit and reduce your chance of developing heart disease. Loosing weight also will reduce your chances of catching diabetes.

People living in Alaska and Greenland do not have as many cases of heart problems and diabetes as people living in the US do. They consume a lot of fatty fish containing omega 3 fatty acids. The Japanese consume large amounts of fish and they too have lesser people suffering from heart disease and diabetes.

Getting omega 3 in your diet if you are a diabetic may help you live a healthier and longer life. Lower your risk of death due to heart disease by eating fish at least twice a week or getting a daily dosage of omega 3 in your diet.

10 Common Diabetes Symptoms

When we eat, our body takes the food we've ingested and breaks it down into glucose and the other nutrients it needs to survive. Naturally, our glucose levels rise after we eat. This signals the pancreas to produce more insulin. People who have diabetes can't produce insulin or can't properly use it.

But, how are you supposed to know if you aren't producing insulin? It's not like you can call down to your pancreas and say "hey, everything good in there" and it will magically call back "yep, we're good... just busy producing insulin."

The best thing you can do is know what to look for. But, keep in mind that symptoms of diabetes aren't always obvious. There aren't always red flags. Sometimes symptoms can take a really long time to develop. Sometimes there aren't any symptoms. (I know, that's not what you want to hear.) Also important to know is that just because you may have some (or all) of these symptoms doesn't mean you actually have diabetes. But, it's better to be safe than sorry, so if you have two or more symptoms, take a minute to call your doctor or an endocrinologist and talk about your concerns. The earlier diabetes is diagnosed, the greater your chances are of beating it.

Frequent Urination
The porcelain thrown has recently become your best friend? That's probably because your body doesn't like these high levels of glucose in your bloodstream. So, in an effort to flush out the excess sugar, your kidneys start working overtime. And, overworking kidneys are a sure way to keep you running for the restroom.

Increased Thirst
This probably has something to do with your frequent restroom visits. To help rid your blood of the excess glucose, your kidneys are pulling water from your bloodstream. The water helps to dilute the glucose and flush it out in your urine. But, because you are constantly losing water, you are thirstier than normal. It's your body's way of telling you it needs more H2O.

Intense Hunger
Your cells aren't getting the energy they need from your food. (Remember, the glucose can't get into the cells without insulin and your body isn't using insulin properly right now.) As a result, your body is screaming "feed me!' It just needs more energy.

Weight Gain
Your pants feeling a bit snug today? This is likely a result of the 'intense hunger' we talked about above. Intense huger = eating more food = extra calories = weight gain. Sorry.

Extreme Weight Loss
This is more noticeable in patients with Type 1 Diabetes because it has more of a sudden onset. Because your body isn't producing insulin, your cells aren't getting the nutrients they need to survive. So, your body streets to break down your muscle and fat cells to get the energy it needs. This causes you to lose weight.

Simply stated, your body isn't getting the energy it needs to survive.

Most people get cranky when they are tired, hungry, thirsty and gaining weight.

The more sugar you have hanging around in your bloodstream, the harder it is for your body to heal from infections. Diabetics are more prone to suffering from frequent skin, gum, bladder and yeast infections.

Itchy Skin
We don't know for sure why, but sometimes itchy skin is a symptom of diabetes.

Unhealed Cuts
If your cuts and bruises are taking longer to heal than usual it may be a result of diabetes. Having a lot of sugar in your blood makes it harder for your body to heal itself.

On their own, these symptoms are harmless - which is probably why many people are completely clueless that they have diabetes. However, if diabetes goes untreated, it can lead to some very serious health conditions including stroke and heart disease.

Your doctor can usually tell if you have diabetes from a simple urine test. All the doctor needs to know is if there is extra sugar in your urine. Following a positive urine test, the doctor can perform a blood test to confirm the diabetes. It's not worth the risk. If you think you have some of the symptoms of diabetes, call your doctor and schedule an appointment today.

Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Diabetic Test Strips, Five Things to Know Before You Buy

Diabetic test strips have come a long way since the urine tests diabetics used to rely on for home testing. And there are some things you really should know before you decide which glucose monitor to buy. When you get them home, it's important to treat them right so they will give you accurate readings. Here's a list of five things that will help you choose and use your diabetic test strips.

Number One - What Will They Cost

Looking for a good glucose monitor is only half of the research you need to do before you settle on the meter that fits your needs. Even if you find a free monitor, it is a one-time purchase, but the diabetic test strips will be a monthly expense for as long as you have that brand of monitor.

Medicare and Medicaid will pay for your monitor and test strips because they are considered durable medical equipment. That separates them from your prescription needs (like insulin and needles). Make sure yours are covered, and you can pick from the choices available from your DME provider.

But if you are buying the strips yourself it's good to know where you can get them for the lowest possible price. Go to Amazon.com and compare their prices on diabetic test strips with the ones you'll find at a discount store. The Amazon prices are generally half as much as store costs for the same brands.

By the way, it's simple to check prices at stores that have a website. That kind of knowledge arms you with the information you need to pick the best diabetic test strips as well as the best glucose monitor. It also helps you decide where to get them. Remember to read the small print when you buy online, because shipping prices will often add a lot to the price.

Number Two - Check the Expiration Date

Your meter readings can be made useless if your test strips are out of date. Always check the dates when you receive them in the mail or buy them at the store. Expiration dates are printed clearly on every vial and disc. Send them back if they are old.

Make sure to use up your old strips first when you get a new batch so you don't accidentally save some until they are out of date. It's common sense, but it's easy to ignore little details like that when you're in a hurry or distracted.

If you're a type 2 diabetic who only tests once a day, and you buy in bulk, watch your expiration dates closely. Buy the strips that have the date farthest away so you won't have to worry about it.

Number Three - Don't Forget Coding

A lot of diabetic meters need to be coded for each new batch or vial. Many newer monitors don't need to be coded, so if you like that, look for the words "no coding" when you're shopping for a new glucose meter. Getting a monitor that does not need to be coded means one less thing to remember.

If your monitor needs coding, a number shows up every time you put a test strip into it. Make sure that number matches the one on your vial or package. Skipping this step when you open a new vial of test strips will make your blood sugar readings unreliable.

Number Four - Protect Your Diabetic Test Strips

Moisture, humidity and heat will make the strips unusable. They come to you in sealed vials or packs, and you can store them the same way. Never leave them open to the air. Also, store them at room temperature, not in the refrigerator. If they are kept too cold or too near a heat source they won't be accurate anymore.

Wash your hands before you touch them, and make sure alcohol doesn't get on them either. Alcohol will contaminate the test strip, and so will dust and dirt. Clean hands that are not wet from water or alcohol are all that should ever touch them.

Number Five - Know How to Use Your Diabetic Test Strips

Test strip discs need to be seated in the monitor correctly or they won't work. And single strips need to be inserted all the way before they will turn on the meter. Bent strips are useless. And add the amount of blood that's needed. Too little and the test will not run. Get too much blood smeared on the strip and it will give you an error message.

If you have trouble using your test strips, ask the nurse at your doctor's office to demonstrate ways around your difficulties. They deal with diabetic testing all the time, and they know what they're doing.

Type 2 diabetic symptoms like peripheral neuropathy can make working with test strips harder because you've lost sensitivity in your fingertips. Keep the vial and meter on a clean surface so if you drop the strips you won't have to throw them away.

Speaking of type 2 diabetic symptoms, if you use your test strips more than once a day, you'll likely have better control of your blood sugar, and that leads to better outcomes with all diabetes complications.

Continuous glucose monitors have not yet been perfected. And those monitors that don't need a drop of blood to read your glucose numbers are not available to us yet. So you have to use test strips. Take good care of them, and take good care of your health.

Diabetic Nephropathy - Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Diabetic nephropathy is a kidney disease that is caused by diabetes. You may be diabetic nephropathy when there is much inflammation, glucose, and also acid waste in the bloodstream so that the small capillaries feeding into the kidneys will be clogged. The accumulation of acid waste will ultimately damage kidney cells.

When the kidney cells are damaged or die, you will have a higher risk of kidney failure. The kidneys will get deteriorated faster if you keep eating unhealthy foods such as conventional animal meat or other highly processed foods, drink alcohol, and also smoke cigarettes. Diabetic nephropathy is in fact the most common cause end-stage kidney disease and chronic kidney failure in the U.S.

1. Symptoms

Patients of both diabetes type 1 and 2 are at risk of diabetic nephropathy. Unfortunately, there are no symptoms in the early stage of the condition but eventually kidney function will start declining. Later, there may be symptoms such as the following:

- Fatigue

- Frequent hiccups

- Poor appetite

- General ill feeling

- Foaming urine

- Nausea and vomiting

- Weight gain (unintentional)

- Headache

- Swelling of the legs

- Swelling around the eyes (occurs in the mornings)

2. Diagnosis

To be able to find out whether you are diabetic nephropathy or not, you can take a test which checks for the albumin or protein in the urine, since in a normal condition urine does not contain protein. Protein may appear in the urine 5 to 10 years prior to the development of other symptoms.

When you are type 1 diabetic, it is recommended to perform a urine test yearly after you are living with the condition for 5 years. When you are type 2 diabetic, immediately perform yearly urine test after being diagnosed. If any doubt occurs in the diagnosis, a biopsy is usually performed.

3. Treatment

You can avoid worse kidney disease and stay away from its complications by lowering high blood pressure or hypertension. Your doctor may prescribe you some medications for this, such as ACE inhibitors and ARBs.

However, please remember that drugs will not give long-term results!

Don't be dependent on drugs. You should consume healthy foods that can help with diabetic nephropathy, such as more vegetables and get your source of protein from chicken, instead of red meat. For those with kidney problems, research has shown that chicken is a better alternative. You should also do regular physical activity.

4. Prevention

Preventing is better than treating. To be able to do this, you can have a plant-based diet, such as raw salads and raw vegetable juices. When you are type 1 or type 2 diabetic, do an annual checkup with your doctor. Also, remember to regularly control your blood pressure.

For kidney health, stay away from highly processed foods and include more green vegetables in your diet like kale and spinach. Don't forget to get the useful omega-3 from fish like wild salmon and sardines.

Diabetes Symptoms in Women - Be Aware Of These Diabetes Symptoms Before They Kill You

Are you experiencing some diabetes symptoms? Are you scared of being diagnosed with diabetes? If your answer is yes; then I am not surprised as generally women are termed as scary as well as weaker by men.

However being a woman I believe that women are much more sensible as well as stronger mentally. This is true that it is slightly difficult to manage a diabetic life; however overall it is good as well as healthy lifestyle. All a diabetic person requires is patience with a little bit of management. The most important thing here is to start the treatment the moment diabetes is diagnosed. The early treatment for diabetes is not possible without the proper diagnosis and understanding of diabetes symptoms in women.

If the problem is diagnosed at an early stage one can easily avoid the severe intensity of diabetic complications. The hectic lifestyle has made diabetes a common disease. The ratio of women suffering from diabetes has also considerably increased in the past few years. The symptoms of diabetes differ from one woman to another. One of the most common diabetes symptoms in women is sexual and hormonal disorder. Diabetic women are more prone to complications during menstruation and yeast infection in vagina. Other diseases linked with sexual organs are most commonly found in diabetic women.

There are three types of diabetes

Diabetes type 1Diabetes type 2Gestational diabetes

The women who are suffering from type 1 and type 2 diabetes have to be very careful about their diet. The chief factors of diabetic diet management are time as well as quantity of the meals. It is important that diet must contain healthy as well as nutritious food items. Only a prescribed quantity of diet should be consumed at the recommended time. Poor eating habits and obesity are two most major causes of diabetes onset. Other contributing factors are poor lifestyle habits, stress, no exercise and inadequate sleep

The third type is the gestational diabetes. It occurs during pregnancy and is naturally cured after the birth of the baby.

Type 1 diabetes symptoms are developed quickly within a very short time span; whereas the symptoms for diabetes type 2 onsets slowly. People who suffer from mild case of diabetes are unable to detect the symptoms.

There are chances that they do not experience any notable diabetes symptoms for a very long time period. It is critically important for all women to be aware of the diabetes symptoms so that they can detect the problem as soon as it arrives. Following are the most common diabetes symptoms in women;

Unquenchable thirstSudden weight lossExcessive urinationBlurriness in visionSlow healing of woundsDry as well as itchy skinRecurrent vaginal infectionsIncrease in appetiteSwelling of feetNumbness and tingling in hand and feet

Any diabetic woman at one time may suffer from all or none of the above mentioned symptoms. So it is extremely important to listen to the body. If there is even more than one diabetes symptom then it is advisable to consult the doctor so that the problem can be detected as early as possible.

Compression Socks for Relief From Lower Limb Blood Pooling

Health is undoubtedly the most important factor ruling our overall prosperity. We may have all the luxuries the materialistic world has to offer, but unless we are in the prime of our health, we will not be able to cherish any of the things we may have. This is the reason it is exceptionally important for us to take every step to ensure our body is in the prime of health. Especially if a person has chronic ailments such as diabetes, inapt blood pressure, and the likes the magnitude of care required grows even further.

When we talk about ailments causing rise in blood cholesterol, the issue of pooling of blood in the lower limbs automatically comes into the picture. The reason for pooling of blood in a person's legs can be diabetes, heart ailments, and even pregnancy. In such cases, excessive cholesterol starts to deposit in the arteries causing restriction in the flow of blood. With the rise in the blood cholesterol the blood carrying capacity of the arteries deteriorates considerably, casing pooling of blood in the lower limbs.

People dealing with pooling of blood due to any reason have to bear with pain in the legs, swelling, lesions, and in extreme cases, there is a potential risk of the development of gangrene. However, thanks to compression socks, this issue can be greatly curbed. As the name suggests, these are especially manufactured socks to provide a uniform pressure on the wearer's arteries to enhance the back flow of blood from the legs to the heart, thereby reducing pooling of blood by a great extent.

Owing to the instant popularity gained by compression socks, there are a number of new names that can be found in the market today. However, if you are out to buy such socks, it is recommended that you go for a trustworthy name in the business such as Juzo stockings. The company has been in the business for quite a while now and is widely renowned for manufacturing an extensive range of premium quality compression hosiery to suit different needs.

Being a segment front runner, Juzo stockings can be found at all leading stores dedicated to healthcare products; however, buying the required compression socks from an online source can save you from the troubles involved with conventional shopping method. With the power of internet, you can search for suitable sellers offering Juzo stockings and buy the desired compression hosiery from the comfort of your home.


Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Diabetic Travel, How To Be Prepared To Have A Good Trip

Diabetic travel takes extra preparation. It's important to plan ahead especially if you aren't used to traveling, because you'll be out of your home comfort zone. In this article there's a diabetes checklist you can use that's made for type 2 diabetics.

Before You Start Packing

The first question to ask yourself is how long you will be gone from home. Never pack just enough medication for those days. If you are traveling by car you will need enough medications to last an extra day or two, and if your diabetic travel includes plane rides the rule of thumb is enough for three extra days.

That means you may need to talk with your doctor about getting extra insulin and supplies. While you are at his office, get written prescriptions to carry with you, and let your doctor know where you're going. It's a great idea to get up to date blood tests done and even a physical if it's getting close to time for one.

For plane trips, a doctor's note about your diabetic condition and any special needs is a great thing to have in the case with your bottles and equipment. And if your diabetic travel is to another country, your doctor will supply you with anti-diarrheals and antibiotics to carry along as well.

Check the expiration dates on medications and test strips to make sure they won't expire while you're away from home. Buy extra batteries for your monitor and insulin pump if you have one, and it would be a good idea to have a backup glucose monitor to carry in a separate bag just in case the other one gets lost or broken.

If you are going to a non-English speaking country, learn the words for diabetes, insulin and phrases you might need, for instance "I need juice." And make sure you have your diabetic jewelry that states "Diabetic" clearly on it.

Diabetic Travel Emergency Kit

Assemble a diabetic travel emergency kit. It should include glucose tablets, an anti-diarrheal and the laxative you usually use because traveling tends to make some of us constipated, and foods we aren't used to can cause diarrhea.

The kit should contain a fever reducer like Tylenol and a pain reliever like aspirin or ibuprofen. A diabetic cough medication and an antihistamine (which makes a pretty good aid against motion sickness) should be included.

Put in a tube of antibacterial, a roll of gauze and tape for blisters and cuts, an antifungal (and yeast infection treatment for women), alcohol or Betadine, and insect repellent. Add the medications you got from your doctor as well.

Get a strong, insulated diabetic travel pack for your insulin and other supplies. Some packs have temperature controls in them. Remember, your insulin doesn't have to be refrigerated but it can't get too hot or freeze either.

What To Pack for Diabetic Travel

Here's a good diabetes checklist for you.

Pack more syringes and test strips than you will need. And pack an extra monitor and batteries.Pack your medical information list and include contact information for your doctors and family emergency numbers.Put your prescriptions and doctor's notes in your diabetic travel pack with the insulin and equipment you'll need, and keep them as carry on luggage if you fly, or stow them close to where you'll be in the car.Pack plenty of healthy diabetic travel snacks.Pack diabetic shoes for walking and extra pairs of thick diabetic socks because you are probably going to walk a lot.Don't forget to pack sun block, hat and sunglasses.Pack your emergency kit.

While You Are Traveling

Set your watch alarm so you'll eat at the proper times, regardless of time zones and itineraries. And you'll need to watch for the time zone changes so you won't overdose or take diabetes medications later than you are supposed to.

If you're on a road trip you should not be the designated driver unless you are confident about your blood sugar control and your insulin supplies. Driving adds to stress, and that can affect your blood sugar levels.

Take your blood glucose levels often, especially after you land from a plane flight, because jet lag can mask blood sugar lows even in a type 2 diabetic. And during a long flight move around often to stave off blood clots. Be aware that injecting insulin on a flight can be difficult because cabin pressure sometimes affects the ability to draw up insulin. Take it slow.

While you are traveling be sure to check your feet every day. Don't go barefoot. If you go hiking wear double thickness socks and good shoes. And never hike alone.

Diabetic travel takes extra planning and thought, but it's possible. So get out and enjoy yourself. Just make sure you take care of your type 2 diabetic needs, and you'll do fine even far from home.

Different Types of Diabetes and What Is Insulin

Diabetes develops when a person's body either doesn't make or produce enough insulin or the body isn't able to use enough of the insulin properly. There are two main types of diabetes, type 1, in which the body does not produce enough insulin and type 2 where the body produces insulin but has trouble absorbing or using insulin in the cells.

Gestational diabetes develops in some women during pregnancy and usually goes away shortly after the child is born. No one really understands why it develops but many believe it has to do with the hormone changes during pregnancy. These hormones may have a blocking effect on insulin or make insulin resistant to being absorbed. In either case, gestational diabetes is a temporary condition during pregnancy. However, there is a chance the mother could develop type 2 diabetes later on in life so she needs to keep a watch on her health.

Insulin is a hormone used to change food into energy. The body makes insulin in the pancreas and more recently discovered also in the brain. Carbohydrates and proteins when digested are broken down and turned into sugar or glucose. The cells use glucose as fuel. During digestion, the liver releases insulin into the blood stream to send the glucose out of the blood and into the cells of the body. This is what gives you energy to get your daily activities done.

Since the discovery that insulin is produced in the brain as well, the link has been made that dementia and Alzheimer's disease are related to diabetes and now being dubbed type 3 diabetes. Apparently the brain cells need insulin to help retain memory. It is believed that a protein builds up in the brain cells and this blocks insulin from entering the brain cells.

Diabetes is a disease that affects many sections of the body. When your blood is saturated with glucose (sugar) it can restrict the blood flow throughout your body. This can cause many different complications from simple things to fatigue and weight gain to more complicated things like losing your eye sight to kidney disease and even cancer.

Diabetes can be managed and controlled through eating healthy foods, exercising on a regular basis to supplements and medication. Having diabetes doesn't mean you can't enjoy life, you can. It does mean you may have to make some lifestyle changes in order to have a long and healthy life.

Get Rid Of Those Post Halloween Reminders

From where I live and breathe Halloween has been over for nearly 24 hours now. The actual day, yes, has come and gone, but there are many, many less than subtle reminders out there of that scary day that are unfortunately likely to linger for days, maybe even weeks to come. Of course I am referring to the many pieces of Halloween candy collected by your little trick-or-treaters and the leftover candy that you never gave out at the door.

What do you do with all that candy? Hands down the smartest thing to do, throw it away. Proceed to the nearest trash receptacle and throw it away. I have always believed that the fun in Halloween was the dressing up in weird costumes and walking around the neighborhood with a bunch of your friends. It's not about all the candy you get at the door, after all, a lot of it is not even the good stuff.

Many people have the attitude, "Listen Halloween only comes once a year. As soon as I eat what's left I will not eat anymore. It'll be out of the house and I will be done with it." OK, but by the time you have finished eating it you have consumed another couple of thousand calories or three, or four. Yep, a lot of calories in that chocolate. "But they are mini candy bars," you say. So, you justify you can eat more of them. Remember these words, "several thousand calories" (Only trying to help).

Please be aware, unthoughtful colleagues, yes, unthoughtful in that they are not really thinking of your best interest will bring their left over candy to the office, put it in a big bowl and put a sign near it in the kitchen that reads, "Help Yourself". Yeh, it gets it out of their house, removes them from temptation, but what about everybody else? Somebody at my office did that. A lot of the staff in my building are trying to lose weight too, always trying to resist temptation. Now they see a big bowl of candy in the kitchen every time they walk through, calling to them. By the way, by the end of the day, the overflowing bowl of Kit Kats and miniature candy bars was nearly gone. Not a good thing. A lot of people's healthy meal plans were sabotaged that day.

Think before you grab. Think before you put it in your mouth. Is the short lived (very short lived) pleasure that the goody brings worth the heartache and work it takes to shed the calories from your body? I think not, but of course it is ultimately up to you.

And finally, the next time you reach for a miniture bag of M&M's, remember these words, " To burn up the amount of calories in one M&M, the average sized person would have to walk the length of a football field."


Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Diabetes Complications - Is There A Link Between Diabetes And Hypertension?

You are maintaining a healthy lifestyle of diet and exercise. You are checking your blood sugar levels and they are within target range. Your A1C is less than 7%.

You are scheduled to see your healthcare provider for your routine visit. You're feeling good.

"Everything looks good, it's just that your blood pressure has risen over the last few months", you're healthcare provider reports, "We are going to have to start you on blood pressure medications."

You're bewildered. How can this be? Everything seemed to be going well. Why have you just been diagnosed with hypertension?

Is there a link between diabetes and hypertension?

The short answer to this question for people living with type 2 diabetes is YES. The link is explained by what clinicians call metabolic syndrome.

I know that this word may mean very little to you. But this information is very important for anyone living with type 2 diabetes. I am going to explain what this means in as simple terms as possible.

It is my intention that the knowledge is presented in an easy to understand format. That way you are better able to take action. It is only by taking action that you can live powerfully with diabetes.

So let's dive right back into what is metabolic syndrome and how it links diabetes and hypertension.

What is metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is a group of characteristics. It is not really medical illness. The important thing is that these characteristics put you at an increased risk for developing certain diseases.

These diseases include type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. Metabolic syndrome is also called metabolic X syndrome, syndrome X and also insulin resistance syndrome.

Most clinical experts define metabolic syndrome as having three or more of any of the following:

Obesity in the abdomen. Greater than 32 inches in women and 38 inches in men.High fasting blood sugar levels more than 100-125 mg/dlA high blood pressure of more than 130/85 mm hg or if you are taking blood pressure medication.A high triglyceride level of more than 150 mg/dl or a low HDL level of less than 40 mg/dl.

The prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome.

More than 2/3rd of the adult American population is either overweight or obese. The number of people with metabolic syndrome has risen just as the obesity epidemic in this country. Currently that rate is at 34% of the adult population.

The following factors put you at risk for developing metabolic syndrome:

Being overweight. In other words a BMI of more than 25.SmokingEating a diet that is high in carbohydratesSmokingLack of exerciseMenopauseFamily history of diabetes or metabolic syndrome.Increasing age.

What health risks are associated with Metabolic Syndrome?

People with metabolic syndrome are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
They are also at risk for developing cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease consists of several diseases. I like to compare the cardiovascular system to the plumbing system in your house. Your symptoms depend on what part of the arteries gets clogged up. Cholesterol gets deposited in the arteries as fatty plaques. When the arteries in the heart get clogged up with plaque, this is called coronary artery disease. If the plaque collects in the blood vessels in the brain, it is called cerebrovascular disease and can cause a stroke.

How is Metabolic Syndrome diagnosed?

Schedule an annual physical exam with your healthcare provider. Your doctor will check your weight and calculate your BMI.

If you are overweight or obese, be sure to get your waist measurement taken. Most healthcare offices should have a tape measure, if not you can easily check your waist measurement at home.

You will get also get blood tests done. These will include your fasting lipid profile and also your blood sugar.

It's always a good idea to schedule an appointment for your annual physical first thing in the morning. That way, you can go in fasting- without having eaten anything.

Please do not to take your medications if you do not eat. This will reduce your risk for hypoglycemia.

Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome:

The goal of the treatment for metabolic syndrome is to reduce the complications that it can lead to - such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The primary goal is weight loss. Become more physically active. And eat a healthy diet. This is what a wellness way of life is all about.

This will help to reduce your cholesterol and also keep your blood sugars in target range.

If you smoke, make a commitment to quit smoking.

High blood pressure is when your blood pressure is more than 140/90 mmhg. It is diagnosed after your healthcare provider has obtained more than 3 readings of an elevated blood pressure.

When diet and exercise fail to bring the blood pressure down to normal range, your healthcare provider will opt to start you on medications.

So there you have it. The link between diabetes and hypertension is metabolic syndrome. And it is because of this link that a lot of people with type 2 diabetes inevitably end up on blood pressure medications also.

The goal is to control or reduce your risk for metabolic syndrome and reduce your risk of complications of diabetes.

Diabetes - Why and How It Happens

Weight loss has both positive and negative connotations in relation to good health. It could mean that a person is working to control weight for better health or, in the extreme, is suffering with anorexia nervosa. There is also the quick unexpected weight loss - along with other symptoms that may mean diabetes or other illnesses. Therefore, it is so important for everyone to be aware and knowledgeable about their health. Also, it is important to recognize and investigate an unexpected weight loss. Because a sudden unexpected weight loss may signal the onset of diabetes.

Just what is diabetes and how does it cause weight loss?

Medical experts believe that diabetes is an autoimmune disease and that the body's own immune system invades the pancreatic cells that produce insulin. This disease may be genetic and run in families. Native Americans, African Americans and Hispanic Americans are more likely than other ethnicities to develop this disease. Sometimes viral infections may also be the culprit.

As we age, there is a more significant risk of developing diabetes. This is true after age 45 and even greater when we reach 65. However, diabetes can occur at any age starting in childhood.

Diabetes occurs when blood sugar levels are very high. Symptoms and causes can include various illnesses, including urinary tract infections, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and frequent urination. When frequent urination occurs, this could lead to dehydration. This, in turn, could cause weight loss as well. On the other hand, diabetes could be caused by obesity. The symptoms vary so widely that a person may have diabetes without even being aware of it.

The weight loss caused by dehydration is a dangerous manifestation of the disease and could lead to kidney failure, heart disease, even blindness.

Some times diabetics cannot process the calories they ingest and they will lose weight no matter how much they consume. Along with the dehydration they will lose sugar and potassium which will also lead to weight loss. This weight loss is not healthy, even though the person may be obese.

In order to avoid becoming diabetic or to control diabetes, a high fat diet must be avoided and we must control our weight. Eating a regular balanced diet should become a habit and eating from each food group is a must. This diet should include fish or other lean meats, plenty of fresh vegetables and some fruit, whole grains and non-fat dairy products. Sugar, too much fruit and too many processed foods need to be avoided.

Various researchers have concluded, after many studies, that regular consumption of high fat fish and/or fish oil supplements should be an integral part of a healthy diet for diabetics. A fish oil supplement apparently has a favorable effect on insulin resistance. Additionally, fish oil supplements can induce a considerable decrease in triglyceride concentration in the blood without detrimentally affection blood glucose control. All this information is important for diabetics.

If you are diabetic, always check with your primary health care provider before you consider adding fish oil supplements to your diet.

Virginia takes a keen interest in all maters relating to health and fitness. She also does research in the areas of natural dietary supplements.

I am sure you are concerned about your health; therefore; I suggest you visit Best Fish Oil Supplement to obtain additional information on this amazing product.

Compression Socks For Taking Care Of Lower Limb Blood Pooling

When it comes to the role a healthy body plays in ensuring our overall well being, there is no contradiction to the fact that health is one of the founding pillars of a happy and prosperous life. You may have all the materialistic wonders of the world; yet, unless you have the health to savor all you have got, it is all a sheer waste. This is the reason it is extremely vital for everyone to ensuring they are taking care of their physical well being just the way they are supposed to.

Especially if a person has an ailment such as diabetes, they can never be too careful. Just like any other chronic ailment, diabetes is usually accompanied with a number of interlinked physical ailments with one of the most profound sub-issue of diabetes being pooling of blood. Though this condition is also found in nursing mothers and people with blood pressure and heart issues, the condition is most commonly found in people with diabetes.

The root cause for this ailment is the decrease in the blood carrying capacity of the veins. In such cases, high level of cholesterol, which may rise due to the body's reduced capability to process fatty acids, causes unprocessed cholesterol to deposit in the veins. Now, as veins are the medium for blood to flow back to the heart, the deposition of cholesterol causes a significant deterioration in their blood carrying ability, resulting in back-flow of blood back to the person's lower limbs.

Thanks to the development of remedial aids such as compression stockings, compression socks, support pantyhose, and the likes, people with this issue now have a great way of dealing with this issue as well as minimizing the potential risk of its development. As described by the name, these are specially designed hosiery that provides a uniform pressure on the veins, thereby promoting the flow of blood back to the users' heart and preventing pooling of blood.

With the immense rise in their demand, compression socks are readily available over the counter at all leading stores dedicated to diabetic care; however, it is recommended that you buy the required compression hosiery online to ensure authenticity. As the demand supply ratio of compression pantyhose and other similar hosiery items has enabled several poor quality manufacturers to come into being, buying the required hosiery online will let you read about what you are buying before placing your order.

The author is an experienced Content writer and publisher on the topics related to compression socks and support pantyhose.

Differences Between Prediabetes and Diabetes

Prediabetes Versus Diabetes

The first thing you need to learn is the difference between prediabetes and diabetes. Knowing what prediabetes and diabetes are, and understanding the similarities and differences between them, makes it easier to find out if you have one of these conditions. Pre-diabetes means that you don't yet have diabetes, but if you do nothing you may develop type 2 diabetes in the future. The biggest worry with prediabetes is an increased risk for heart disease, even if diabetes never develops.

When you have prediabetes you have something called insulin resistance. This means that your body doesn't respond correctly to the insulin your body makes. Your body then has to make more and more insulin to keep your blood sugar levels in the normal range. When you have insulin resistance, other abnormalities of fat and blood pressure occur that can clog your arteries with plaque. So when I talk about treating prediabetes I am talking about preventing both diabetes and heart disease. This condition (and its associated disorder known as the metabolic syndrome, or syndrome X) is very common; more than 44 million Americans have it.

How High Blood Sugar Levels Related to Prediabetes and Diabetes

Diabetes, which is an abnormality of blood sugar levels, is classified by three distinct types. Type 2 is the most common and is the type of diabetes people get if their prediabetes is not treated. Type 1 diabetes is the form of diabetes for which patients must take insulin shots for the rest of their lives. The third type is gestational diabetes, which is a form of type 2 diabetes that can occur during pregnancy. When I treat patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, I work with them to bring blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels into the normal range. This helps lower their risk for heart disease and stroke (just as in patients with prediabetes) as well as the risk for blindness, kidney failure, and amputation.

When you are first diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes you need to find health care providers who can give you the education and treatment that you need. Later I will describe how to find helps and who can give it. What is most important to realize right now is that we can do something about prediabetes and diabetes.

Don't Be Desperate if You Have Prediabetes and Diabetes

Having these conditions isn't the death sentence. Think of them instead as an opportunity to take control, to have a longer, healthier life. Many of the diabetes management skills I hope to I can make you (actually anyone) healthier overall. Fixing one part of your health - for instance, increasing the fiber in your diet to help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, can also affect another area, such a lowering the risk for colon cancer. Treating diabetes is treating your well-being overall.

Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

Diabetes Symptoms and Treatment

One of the most common metabolic disorders in today's world is diabetes. Malfunctioning of the pancreas in - producing too little insulin, resistance to insulin, or both and this causes diabetes. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas to help in converting sugar, starches, and other foods into energy. A person who has regular high levels of blood glucose is diagnosed to suffer from diabetes. There are three types of diabetes - Type I, Type II, and Gestational diabetes.

Polydipsia or increased thirst causing to drink fluids more often, Polyphagia or increased appetite, Polyuria or frequent passing of urine, Blurred eye vision, Lack of energy and fatigue, Unusual and sudden weight loss, Dry itchy skin, Slow healing sores, Losing sensation or tingling and numbness in feet are all diabetes symptoms.

The different allopathic diabetes medicines are - Meglitinide Drugs, Alpha-glucosidase Inhibitors, Thiazolidinedione Drugs, DPP-4 Inhibitors, Sulfonylureas Drugs, Biguanide Drugs, Dopamine Receptor Agonists, Bile Acid Sequestrants, and Combination Drugs.

In Ayurveda, diabetes is also known as Madhumeha and according to them, there are 20 types of diabetes - four types are due to Vata, six types from Pitta, and Kapha causes the remaining ten. Ayurveda for Diabetes helps to maintain blood sugar and keep kidneys, liver, eyes, and heart safe as these organs are affected by long drawn diabetes. Some diabetes herbal medications are listed here - Gymnema Sylvestre, Salacia oblonga, Bitter Melon, Cinnamon, Fenugreek, Ginseng, Aloe vera, and Chandraprabha. Some specified herbs for diabetes are - Savory to alleviate thirst, Broccoli, Ginseng, Green Tea, Lantana, Plantain, Sage to lower blood sugar, Evening Primrose for blood circulation, and Aloe Vera, Beans, Ginseng, Green Tea, Plantain to normalize blood sugar.

In Ayurvedic medication since ages, cow urine is used to prepare diabetes medicines. A recent scientific study by Dr. Jayakumar and his team in their research have found that the cow urine has anti-diabetic properties and has raised hope for millions of diabetic patients in India and abroad. The project funded by the State Government will be over five years.

Natural medicines for diabetes do not cause any side effects and help in stimulating pancreas to function normally. Any form of regular exercise, stopping smoking and alcohol, and taking a balanced diet along with few life-style changes can help in controlling diabetes. Some yoga exercises that are beneficial for diabetes are Sarvangasana, Halasana, the Child pose, Paschimotasana, and Ardha Matsyendrasana. Diabetes yoga helps to manage diabetes by activating glandular system responsible for this illness.

Hemorrhoids - A Diabetic Dilemma

Although many diabetics do state they are prone to hemorrhoids on an occasional basis, this condition has more to do with the types of foods you eat and your current lifestyle than it does with diabetes. A diet high in processed foods, low bodily fluids (mild dehydration) and constant sitting, whether from work or pleasure, these all lead to trouble as the final result.

You can be a perfectly healthy individual anywhere in your 20's to 50's and still run into a bout of hemorrhoids occasionally. The key here to avoidance is Prevention. Change up your daily lifestyle by adding a few simple steps including moderate exercise and a few dietary changes and the ultimate reward will be no more painful unpleasant outbreaks of hemorrhoids.
Fiber Up! - preferably with fiber directly from nature. Fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain products need to be a major portion of your daily diet. Supplement these only if more is needed with any of the many sources of supplements, powders and pre-mixed drinks found at many health food or local drug stores.
Another good option is to buy fresh flax seeds and grind them as needed, (stored ground flax seed loses its healthy qualities over time and tends to turn rancid rapidly). Always store the seeds in the refrigerator though. Any shelf-stable ground flax is full of chemical preservatives to keep it shelf stable. By ingesting this chemical cocktail you are negating all of your purpose at attempting a healthier lifestyle.
Low impact exercise (such as walking) for a minimum 10 minute period daily helps to keep your stool soft and moist (it speeds up the rate of flow which foods travel through your digestive tract) thus promoting quicker and easier elimination
Drink lots of water to stay hydrated. This not only aids every other body organ, it also manages to ease elimination by keeping your stool flowing fast and smooth.
Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine in most blends of coffee and teas, both regular and decaffeinated, most alcohols and excessive strong types of spice blends (hot peppers and cayenne peppers). Continuous digestion of all of these leads to dehydration and a build-up of inflammation in your body which aggravates the external skin tissues.
Desk jobs or couch potatoes need to learn to get up and move at least 3 to 5 minutes every hour. Prolonged sitting creates continuous pressure which is detrimental to the sensitive nerves and tissues, thus enabling hemorrhoids to develop and enlarge
Chill out! - or at least learn how to manage your stress levels daily. If you are a type A aggressive personality, all that self-imposed pressure upsets your digestive system by aggravating your nervous system, the control center for good digestion in the human body.

The Road To Recovery

But sometimes it's just too late for prevention and relief is all that's being sought instead. So start by trying a few of these natural therapies instead to jumpstart some much needed relief.
After every bowel movement plus up to 5 more times daily, wash the area down and then apply a "bath" of witch hazel with a cotton ball or tissue. This is an astringent which means it is going to burn and smart some on this sensitive skin but it does rapidly promote healing, thus relief.
For extreme cases, between cleansing sessions apply a thin film of aloe vera gel to further aid in healing and quieting the itch. Hydrocortisone creme or calendula cream can also be used in place of the aloe vera.
Take a warm bath or apply warm compresses to the area for at least 10 minutes every few hours. The warmth promotes the flow of blood and oxygen to the area which promotes faster healing.
For severe cases, check with your local health food store for an ayurvedic treatment gel known as Triphola. This remedy helps to tone and condition your lower GI tract which aids in better elimination, thus lessening your chances of hemorrhoids.
Two other herbs with sustained history of good relief for many people include Butcher's Broom (tightens the weakened blood vessels) and Horse Chestnut (this tones and tightens the weakened, distended veins and tissues.
Standard ibuprofen (Motrin and Advil etc) can be used, as directed on the bottle, for short-term pain and swelling relief while you are waiting for nature's remedies to offer your body some relief.

So, a few simple changes starting now in your daily diet and daily routine is all it takes to ward off any of the nasty sounding after-effects common with this inconvenient diabetic complication.

New Treatment To Help Patients Cope With Diabetes Mellitus Symptoms

While there are no clinical investigations of cannabis for the treatment of diabetes mellitus in scientific literature, there are a small number of preclinical studies that indicate that cannabinoids found in marijuana may provide symptomatic relief to those suffering from diabetes mellitus. Medical marijuana is also known to modify the progression of the disease according to a 2006 study published in the journal Autoimmunity.

The study reported that 5 mg injections of the non-psychoactive cannabinoid CBD every day significantly reduced the incidence of diabetes in mice and investigators reported that while around 86% of untreated control mice in the study developed diabetes, by contrast only 30% of mice that were treated with CBD developed the disease. Diabetes Mellitus refers to a set of autoimmune diseases that are characterized by defects in the secretion of insulin by the pancreas. This results in hyperglycemia or an extremely high concentration of glucose in the blood.

Type 1 diabetes or juvenile diabetes and Type 2 diabetes or adult onset diabetes are the two primary types of diabetes. While type 1 diabetes sufferers must rely on insulin medication for survival, sufferers of type 2 diabetes produce insufficient amounts of insulin and their condition can typically be controlled by diet. In fact, statistics indicate that after heart disease and cancer, diabetes mellitus is the third major cause of death in the United States. It may also lead to nerve damage, kidney failure, blindness, hardening of the arteries, and eventually death.

Researchers at the Medical College of Virginia reported in the March 2006 issue of the American Journal of Pathology that CBD treated rats experienced significant protection from diabetic retinopathy when they were treated for periods of 1 to 4 weeks. Diabetic retinopathy, the leading cause of blindness in adults is characterized by a breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier and retinal oxygen deprivation. There are other preclinical trials that have demonstrated the beneficial effects of cannabinoids in animal models of diabetes.

Medical marijuana is known to alleviate neuropathic pain associated with diabetes mellitus and studies published in the journal Neuroscience Letters in 2004 reported that mice who were administered a receptor agonist for cannabis experienced a decrease in diabetes related tactile allodynia or pain resulting from a non-injurious skin stimulus when compared with the non treated controls. These findings suggest that the cannabinoids in MMJ may have great therapeutic potential to treat experimental neuropathic pain triggered by diabetes mellitus.

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

How to Naturally Lower Blood Sugar Levels?

About Diabetes

There are currently some 25.8 million people suffering diabetes in the US (8.3% percent of the population), according to figures from the National Diabetes Information Clearing House. Of these, 18.8 million have been diagnosed with the illness, while a further 7 million are unaware that they have the problem.

Glucose is an essential source of energy for the brain and for the body. Glucose comes from carbohydrate foods, which are changed into glucose after we have eaten them.

The Insulin that the body produce transport glucose from the blood supply into fat and muscle cells, where it can be used for energy and switch off the liver once the level of glucose in the blood is high enough.

There are two main types of diabetes:

Type 1
People who do not make any insulin have Type 1 diabetes. They tend to lose weight very quickly because their body is actually being starved. They therefore require insulin by injection plus healthy eating to stay alive and maintain good health.

Type 2
People with Type 2 diabetes are still making insulin but the production is weak or their body is resistant to insulin. Type 2 diabetes can be treated with weight loss and regular physical activity. Medication in the form of tablets is often required to reduce the resistance to insulin or to stimulate the pancreas to make more insulin. Type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition in that the pancreas continues to get more sluggish over time.

Natural herbal tea remedies and lowering blood sugar levels

Drinking certain herbal tea remedues decreases the body's resistance to insulin, the cells get re-influenced by the insulin, absorb the sugar, disassemble it and as a result stabilize the levels of sugar in the blood.

Glucole herbal tea remedy, which was developed by Galilee Tisanes, is a natural mixture of medicinal herbs for reducing and balancing sugar levels in the blood. The tea reduces sugar and breaks down carbohydrates and fats, which rise to dangerous levels in diabetics after they eat a meal.

The tea, which includes the herbs, Stevia, Gymnema, Sage, Lemon grass, Olive leaves and Lemon verbena, rehabilitates and activates the pancreas, causing it to secrete insulin, a hormone which helps the cells absorb glucose from the bloodstream and use it to produce energy, thereby reducing sugar levels in the blood. In addition the tea helps diabetics absorb the insulin into their bodies.

Glucole tea is free of industrial extracts, preservatives or colorings. It contains Stevia - a plant that is 300 times sweeter than sugar but is not ingested in the body. This makes it naturally sweet and tasty, without the need for any additional sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Pack Your Diabetes Supplies and Have a Safe Journey

During certain times of year, families plan to hop in the car for a fun and exciting holiday or visit with relatives and friends. The holiday season, may also be a time when travel by car is necessary. For anyone, there are certain plans that need to be made before any road trip is safe and enjoyable. Driving any distance for people with diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2, can be unpleasant at least; dangerous, at worst. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can strike unexpectedly, leading to shakiness, dizziness and disorientation. Although diabetics can take preventative measures to control their blood glucose before driving a distance, having the necessary diabetes supplies in the car during road trips is also vital to driving as safely as possible.

Before heading for the open road, there are two things patients should do. They should discuss their trip with their healthcare team and follow up on the specific recommendations that will likely come from this consultation. Secondly, the car kit should well stocked with a range of necessary diabetes supplies such as lancets and a glucose meter. It is important to remember that a glucose meter should be taken out of the car in very hot or cold conditions. Temperature has a direct impact on meters and may cause inaccurate readings.

In addition to stocking the car with the necessary diabetic supplies for monitoring blood glucose levels, snacks are also important to include. Snacks may consist of healthy options such as apples, vegetables or even air-popped popcorn. There should also be snack bars and juice boxes that can be accessed for a quick pick-up should hypoglycemia strike. Just because there is a destination waiting doesn't mean the diabetic should rush their trip. The eating schedule that the patient follows at home should also be followed while traveling as closely as possible.

When travelling, the diabetic should wear a medical alert bracelet or necklace or whatever accessory they choose to identify their condition. In the event of an emergency of any sort affecting the patient, it is imperative that medical personnel be aware of a diabetic condition.

Taking care of the diabetic body takes a little more than packing snacks and diabetes testing supplies. Each patient should also be in tune with his or her own body; daily logs or journals help this process and signals that something isn't right are more easily picked up immediately. When driving, especially, the diabetic should listen to internal cues. Should dizziness or shakiness occur, the best course of action is for the patient to pay attention to these symptoms and pull off the road to test his or her blood sugar. If the blood glucose reading is under 80, it should be treated immediately with fifteen grams of carbohydrate and rechecked in fifteen minutes before driving is resumed. This is one of the reasons why portable diabetes monitoring systems are a preferred product to be carried in the car

A safe road trip for the diabetic means more than inflated tires and a full tank of gas. Understanding how to travel safely allows the patient to enjoy all aspects of their journey and arrive in a state of well being.

Oral Health and Diabetes - The Importance Of Having Healthy Teeth And Gums With Diabetes Type 2

It is important for people living with type 2 diabetes to pay attention to all aspects of their health and wellbeing.

Here is an aspect of taking care of yourself to live powerfully with type 2 diabetes. It is taking care of your oral health.

Recent studies have shown an increased risk between poor oral health and heart disease.

The risk for heart disease increases even more when you have poor oral health and type 2 diabetes.

This is because diabetes already puts you at twice the risk of heart disease than the general population. So when you add poor oral health to the mix you more than double your risk.

The mouth has thousands of different bacteria, fungi and viruses. Normally with proper oral hygiene and well-functioning salivary glands, these do not cause any problems.

However when the mouth becomes unhealthy due to poor oral health then a number of dental problems can set in.

The most common teeth and gum problems associated with type 2 diabetes are:

tooth decaygum diseasealtered tastefungal infections commonly called oral thrushdry mouthinfections

Poorly controlled diabetes can lead to tooth decay and gum disease

When blood sugar levels are not well controlled, this leads to hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia can cause bacteria and fungi to thrive in the saliva. This leads to the development of plaque.

Plaque is a hard material that builds up in the mouth. It attaches to the surface and in between the teeth. It can also collect beneath the gum line. When this happens, the gums become inflamed. This is called periodontal disease.

People who do not have well controlled diabetes are at risk for periodontal disease. Eventually, the gum disease becomes so bad that they lose their teeth.

Here are some signs of periodontal disease. If you have any of these signs then see a dentist as soon as possible.

gums that bleed easilyred swollen and painful gumsbad breathbad tastepus in between teeth or when the gums are pressedgums that have been pulled away from the teeth

Diabetes can also cause fungal infections

The mouth naturally has thousands of species of bacteria, viruses and fungi. The good thing is that the bodies natural defense system keeps them all in check so that they do not cause any problems.

Oral thrush is a fungal infection that can occur in people with type 2 diabetes.

There are several reasons why you can get fungal infections: 

Wearing denturesCigarette smokingHyperglycemiaAntibioticsDry mouth

How to reduce dental problems

Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft toothbrush. You can also use a electric toothbrush.Floss between your teeth at least once a dayChange your toothbrush at least every 3 monthsDisinfect your toothbrush regularly. You can place it in a microwave or a dishwasher.Use an antimicrobial mouthwashUse a toothpaste that has fluorideWatch for any signs of dental problems and tell your dentistQuit smokingDrink water regularly to keep the mouth moistA dash of 100% peppermint essential oil in water is a great natural breath freshener.

See your dentist regularly

Schedule an appointment twice a year to see your dentist.If you have any sores or pain in your mouth be sure to let your dentist know.Let your dentist know if your blood sugars levels are out of control.Also let your dentist know if there is any change in your medical history.Do not take any oral medications that could lower your blood sugar before seeing the dentist.If you are going to have dental work done and you are taking a blood thinner, be sure to let your dentist know this. The dentist will probably want to get a medical clearance from your primary healthcare provider.

So take the time to make sure that you pay attention to the health of your mouth. That way you will not go through the pain from lost teeth.

Let's face it dental care to replace lost teeth can be very costly. So why not invest in prevention and not a cure?

Take an active role to improve your oral health and diabetes.

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Living With Diabetes - How to Deal With Diabetes

Natural Remedy For Diabetes- How people can reverse diabetes in natural way?

There are many people who may be looking for a natural cure for diabetes. The condition is one of the leading causes of heart disease and stroke. It is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. There are around twenty-six million people in the United States that have the condition.

Obtaining a natural cure for diabetes would mean that people would no longer have to worry about their blood sugar levels. They could lower the amount of insulin that they would have to take. The amount of money that they have to spend each month on equipment and medication related to the condition would be lowered as well. In fact, the beautiful thing is by curing diabetes naturally people can also be preventing cardiovascular disease, or at least reducing your risk of heart disease greatly.

Diabetes is a condition that lowers a person's quality of life. Using a natural cure for diabetes can allow people to improve the way that they live. There are recommendations available that can allow a person to see changes in their condition in a relatively short amount of time. The ingredients can be found at local grocery stores. None of the items involved are hard to find. People can stay healthy without taking a lot of medication. They can lose weight and get their health under control.

A healing response can be displayed within four weeks or less when following the natural cure for diabetes. There is a sixty day guarantee because it may take longer for some people to see an improvement. It works very well for people who: are insulin resistant or have type two diabetes, don't have major organ failure, and those who are willing to adjust their diets by simply through nurturing specific healing systems they can strengthen weakened cells and help restore their over all health.

People who have diabetes have to decide to educate themselves about the condition and they have to be willing to make lifestyle changes that will improve their health over time. Eating right and being active are very important. Taking different medications can cause side effects so embracing a natural remedy may be the best solution for many people. There are other options available that can bring about improvements in a reasonable amount of time. The options are relatively inexpensive.

Hyperinsulinemia - Is It Diabetes or Not?

Hyperinsulinemia is not another word for type 2 diabetes or even for borderline diabetes. It literally means too much insulin in the blood. If you have high blood sugar, that is called hyperglycemia, and too little sugar is hypoglycemia.

Because your pancreas, or more precisely the beta cells inside it, make the two hormones that keep glucose at a safe and steady level in your blood, they are part of your endocrine system. Endocrine glands release the hormones that affect every organ and cell, and they always come in pairs so they can balance, or turn on and off processes, such as growth, stress responses, mood and digestion.

An endocrinologist is a doctor who specializes in the understanding of endocrine systems. That's why diabetes doctors are endocrinologists. They study the disease and its symptoms, and they have learned how to treat those symptoms. They can identify hyperinsulinemia, and though they are not sure of its cause, they know what it does.

Elevated insulin in the blood causes an increased inflammatory effect in every organ of the body. If that doesn't sound too bad, think about this. Inflammatory bowel disease, inflammatory arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome are only a few of the possible problems related to inflammatory reaction.

In hyperinsulinemia your pancreas is putting out larger amounts of insulin than your cells can use. Sometimes this is because of insulin resistance in the cells. Doctors know this is connected to the metabolic syndrome but they have no proof that the syndrome actually causes hyperinsulinemia. The result is often chronic low blood sugar.

On the opposite side is high blood sugar, what we know as diabetes or prediabetes. Elevated sugar in your blood damages blood vessels and spreads candidal infections through your bloodstream. The symptoms are not as obvious as those for hypoglycemia, which is why it is possible to have extremely high blood sugar for years and not know it.

You can have hyperinsulinemia for a long time, too, without being aware of it. Some of the symptoms of hyperinsulinemia are sugar cravings, intense hunger, weight gain, weakness, moods like grouchiness and anxiety, and poor concentration. These symptoms are very much like hypoglycemia.

Why Hyperinsulinemia Is Not Diabetes

Diabetes and borderline diabetes can lead to hyperinsulinemia, but there are other things that might cause it. One is a tumor called an insulinoma that makes the beta cells produce insulin when there is no need for it. There is also a disease called nesidioblastosis in which there are far too many beta cells in the pancreas pumping out insulin.

That means it's important to know the cause of high insulin in the blood so it can be treated properly. If the imbalance in your endocrine system is caused by insulin resistance, you are prediabetic unless your blood sugar count is high enough to consider you diabetic, and you can begin standard treatment of it with changes in diet and level of exercise.

Any endocrine imbalance is hard to treat medically. If you add insulin to bring down your blood sugar, you increase the chances of creating hypoglycemia, too little sugar in your blood.

That's why you use a blood glucose monitor every few hours while you're on insulin, and it explains why there's such a rush to make a continuous glucose monitor that is reliable. There is a great profit to be made by the company that perfects it.

And oral medications that try to mimic the actions of endocrine systems like the pancreas and heart always have undesirable side effects. You and your doctor have to weigh the risks and benefits carefully each time you are offered a new medication.

There Is A Better Way To Treat Hyperinsulinemia in Type 2 Diabetes

If your endocrine system is not regulating glucose properly because of insulin resistance there is actually something you can do about it. You can reduce insulin resistance by treating the metabolic syndrome. This has been proven to work.

Remember, the metabolic syndrome is a combination of conditions: High bad cholesterol with high triglyceridesHigh blood pressureBeing sedentary (lack of exercise)Obesity with fat deposits around the organs along with a low muscle massAbnormally high blood sugar

This syndrome is the consequence of lack of exercise, leading to low muscles and high fat. It is also caused by a diet full of over-processed and fast food with too much sugar and man-made fats. If that sounds too simple, the proof is in what happens when those two things are changed.

People who exercise, raise their muscle mass, and start eating things that are good for them actually find lower blood pressure, better cholesterol levels, and reversed hyperinsulinemia. It happens all the time.

The other option is to let doctors treat the symptoms with oral medications and insulin to help control the amount of insulin in your blood. It means a lifetime committment to this treatment because it does not offer a cure.

While researchers look for ways to artificially regulate insulin and blood sugar levels in your blood, you can be working on your own cure by helping your pancreas return to its normal functions. A 50% success rate is what doctors have measured with exercise and diet changes.

With drastic lowering of weight and high levels of exercise the rate of success is much higher. On the TV show The Biggest Loser they have seen a 100% rate of success in getting their diabetic contestants off of medications. That is beyond what any medication regimen offers you. It's more than just an option.

It's a way out of type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and any other disorder that is caused by years of stress we have put on our pancreas and cardiovascular system. We could recover a healthy pancreas if we do what has been proven to work.

We type 2 diabetics can at the very least reduce our complications. It's worth doing, and it will only cost us one thing. We will have to change.

One in Ten Adults Will Have Diabetes

The International Diabetes Federation predicted one in 10 adults could have diabetes by 2030. The World Health Organization said deaths from diabetes will double by 2030. In explaining concerns over such predictions, a representative of the World Health Organization said most cases of diabetes are Type 2, mainly hit people in middle age, and are linked to weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle. This suggests we can prevent or control diabetes through healthy aging, weight loss, and more activity.

The key to healthy aging is a healthy lifestyle. Although a healthy lifestyle includes eating healthy foods and practicing portion control, we must look at all aspects of the physical and mental body. For physical health, consider the eyes, joints, digestive tract, and heart. For mental health examine stress management. Considering the whole body makes possible a body younger than you look.

Weight loss, in the medical sense, means a reduction in total body mass. People select a weight-loss program to improve health, fitness, or appearance. If you view weight as number on a scale, you can achieve a reduction through a loss of fluid, body fat, muscle, or a variety of tissues. I have been successful with many diets, yet none created a long-lasting lifestyle change. I lose the weight and then return to previous eating habits. A better approach is to determine your ideal weight and institute nutritional eating habits that permit you to consistently lose one to four pounds per month. Once you reach the weight goal, continue nutritional eating habits with slight changes in quantities and types of foods.

Sedentary lifestyle is characterized by an excess amount of sitting at work or home. My generation used the term "couch potato".. We must get out of your chairs, off the couches, or whatever we sit on for long periods of time, and move around. Below are seven suggestions I found helpful: As you consider them, let your creativity run wild for other things you can do.

" Get up and move every hour, include standing, stretching, and walking around.
" Use a headset and walk around during telephone conversations.
" Take a walk during your lunch hour, outdoors, if possible.
" Deliver important messages in person rather than sending emails.
" Take the stairs instead of an elevator.
" Walk or ride a bike to work. If you drive, park your car at the farthest end of the parking lot.
" If you just have to watch TV, get up and walk around during the ads, and do some simple exercises.

Living the changes as the months turn to years can make a major difference in a healthy lifestyle. Start your changes today.