Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Diabetic Diet Plan and the low Glycemic Index Diet

The low glycemic Index diet has been popular in America for a number of years this is because it works for weight loss and can be used in a diabetic diet plan. The vast number of Americans who suffer from diabetes (said to be around 23 million) could benefit from some form of weight management plan.

The Lower Glycemic Index Diet is good to use as the basis for a diabetic diet plan as it includes foods that are on the lower end of the glycemic index which means that your body has less sugars and carbs to regulate. If you wish to start a lower GI diet I suggest that you first speak with your physician and let them know your plans. I would say this even if you are just looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle and not just to help control your diabetes.

The benefits of a good diabetic diet plan are, in this case with the lower GI diet;

Carbohydrate balance.

You will find that sufferers of diabetes are often discouraged from starting a diet if it limits the amount of carbs. To me this seems wrong because most carbs will be turned into sugar. So surely you need to know how you have eaten. They do provide fuel for your body so the recommendation is for every adult to have 130 grams of carbs a day. Also a lot of vitamins and minerals are found in these carb rich foods.

You may be able to control your diabetes purely with a Glycemic Index Diet:

The majority of people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes are as a result of obesity and these are the people who will benefit the most from this diabetic diet plan. They may even find they do not need any medical interventions once they are on this diet and it is working for them. This diet contains only foods that can be easily and safely processed by someone with diabetes. So this makes it easier to monitor your glycemic index.The quality of the foods included on the lower glycemic Index Diet;All of the foods that are allowed on the lower GI Diet are wholesome and healthy. There are lots of fresh fruit and vegetables in the diet, as well as whole grains and lean cuts of meat. This diet encourages you to eat healthily, and therefore help you lead a much healthier lifestyle. Another good point is the fact that you can still enjoy the occasional treat while on this diabetic diet plan. Helping to prevent other diseases;The Lower GI Diet can also help the body in the prevention of other diseases besides diabetes. Many people who are at risk of heart disease should look into starting a Lower GI Diet to help protect against this deadly disease. Research has found that a Lower Glycemic Index Diet is more effective than some other low carbs diets and also much more effective than the traditional low fat diet.

You should look at this diabetic diet plan more as a lifestyle change than just a lower GI diet. Diets always seem hard to stick to, you feel you are being restricted and not allowed to eat some things. Whereas lifestyle is about choice, you chose because of your health not to eat certain things. This way you will find it much easier to stick with it and sticking with this for the long term is what is needed.As mentioned before, seek medical advice from a physician you trust and can talk to, before starting this or any other diet. Especially if you have a large amount of weight to lose of you have already been diagnosed with diabetes.They can also help you track your weight loss and can be aware of the possible medical issues you may encounter while on this diet.

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