Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Benefits of Omega 3 for Type 2 Diabetes

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Are you over weight? Have high blood pressure or are you a couch potato? Do you know that you fall in the high risk category of developing type 2 diabetes?. It is estimated that 9 out of 100 people over the age of 20 will develop type 2 diabetes. Many researches have been conducted on the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids obtained from cold water fish. The research has found that adding omega 3 to your diet may indeed help the battle against type 2 diabetes. The DHA and the EPA found in fish can possibly reduce diabetes 2 in a person in about 7 months.

In medical terminology, presence of excessive sugar in the blood is known as diabetes. It's a disease related to carbohydrates. Type 2 is the more common type of diabetes. A person with diabetes 2 does have insulin but it doesn't work right.

A diabetic person has a higher risk of having a heart attack. It is 6 times more than the people who do not have diabetes. They also have a risk of developing heart disease which is 3 to 8 times higher than someone without diabetes. If they include omega 3 in their diets, it could be very helpful in maintaining their heart in a healthy manner.

Getting just one gram a day of omega 3 fatty acids by eating omega 3 rich foods or taking omega 3 supplements can cut down cardiovascular mortality by 30%. That could be cutting the risk of a heart attack by 45%.

The omega 3 fatty acids food list consists of fish such as tuna, salmon, rainbow trout, mackerel and sardines. They are known as fatty fish. This type of fish is loaded with polyunsaturated fatty acids that will lower your triglycerides. They also help to maintain a healthy heart rhythm, reduce hyper tension and help with blood clotting. Taking omega 3 fish oil or other supplements may also be helpful for the statin drugs you may already be taking for cholesterol to do an even better job.

As with most diseases, doctors first try to coax you to make some changes in your life style such as your diet and including exercise in your daily regimen. Normally weight loss is an important factor. 80% of diabetic people are obese. Losing weight will also help you control your blood pressure. Exercising on a regular basis will help in controlling glucose and blood lipid levels, improve the flow of your blood, help you to get physically fit and reduce your chance of developing heart disease. Loosing weight also will reduce your chances of catching diabetes.

People living in Alaska and Greenland do not have as many cases of heart problems and diabetes as people living in the US do. They consume a lot of fatty fish containing omega 3 fatty acids. The Japanese consume large amounts of fish and they too have lesser people suffering from heart disease and diabetes.

Getting omega 3 in your diet if you are a diabetic may help you live a healthier and longer life. Lower your risk of death due to heart disease by eating fish at least twice a week or getting a daily dosage of omega 3 in your diet.

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