Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Three Natural Supplements for Diabetes

For many people with chronic health conditions there is a desire to try natural herbal treatments to combat their illness. Diabetes is no exception. The use of herbal medications, vitamins and minerals dates back to ancient times and continues today in many parts of the world. Although many of these treatments are not well studied their use has stood the test of time. Currently the scientific world is researching how many different herbal remedies and vitamins affect the diabetic patient. Although these studies are still in their infancy there is some promising data. Three supplements that are being closely studied for their use in diabetes are:

1. Bitter Melon: Bitter melon is a tropical fruit that has been widely used in Asia to treat high blood sugar levels. Bitter melon is being closely studied and scientists have isolated several compounds that play a role in glucose metabolism from this fruit. Studies in laboratory animals and a few isolated human trials suggest that bitter melon can lower sugar levels and improve a1c. Unfortunately, many of these studies are flawed and small and concrete conclusions cannot be drawn from them at this time. More research is needed to determine how bitter melon works and at what dose it should be taken to combat diabetes.

2. Cinnamon: Cinnamon is another herbal remedy that has been used to lower blood sugar levels. Studies have found that high amounts of cinnamon may help reduce glucose levels and improve a1c. Like with bitter melon, there is not a huge amount of data to support this and some studies suggest that cinnamon has no effect on diabetes.

3. Chromium: Chromium supplements are one of the most promising natural remedies for diabetes. At this time, studies continue to emerge that support the hypoglycemic effects of chromium. Unfortunately, no official recommendations have been made regarding the use of chromium for treatment of diabetes but as more research is done it is likely that chromium will become more widely used.

The use of herbal treatments for diabetes is something that many patients are very interested in. At this time more research is needed to determine what amounts of these supplements are needed to have an effect on the diabetic patient. In addition, studies must be done to determine the safest dosages and to determine any side effects or drug interactions. For patients who are interested in using natural supplements to treat their diabetes, it is best to discuss options with their physician.

For more information about diabetes, benefits of bitter melon herbs for diabetes, or chromium for diabetes, cholesterol and weight loss visit us at knowyoursugar.com

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