Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Diabetes Diet Tips – The One Type Of Food To Reverse Diabetes With Diet!

Diabetes is metabolic disease resulting from a decline in insulin activity. In particular, diabetes may occur due to the reduced secretion of this hormone or due to the reduced absorption of insulin by the cells of the body, or a combination of these two factors. A feature always present in diabetes is hyperglycemia, which can over time cause certain complications in the blood vessels that may result in severe atherosclerosis, and changes in the small arteries that may cause problems in the retina, kidneys and nerves.

Diabetes is a common disease. In the United States about 200,000 new cases of diabetes are reported each year and the percentage of world population affected by the condition is estimated to be at 5%, with a slightly higher prevalence among women (approximately 25% more females than males). Its prevalence also increases with age, ranging at about 0.5% in the age group under 30 years old and up to 10% or more above the age of 65. About 90% of diabetics suffer from type 2 diabetes, while only a small minority suffers from type 1 diabetes.

Diabetes type 2 is characterized by two problems which are responsible for the increase in blood sugar levels: one is insulin resistance and the other is the lack of insulin secretion. These two defects can coexist or may occur separately. Insulin resistance (that is a typical symptom of the obese diabetic) is the failure of some organs to respond to insulin. As you may already know, insulin is used to push glucose into the cells. In short, insulin is the key that opens the door of the cells. When there is insulin resistance, insulin can not open the door, so glucose can not enter the cells, and it simply remains in the bloodstream leading to increased blood sugar. Normally, the pancreas tries to overcome this resistance by producing even more insulin, but over time this leads to hyper function and functional depletion, which impairs the pancreas ability to produce insulin.

How to reverse diabetes through diet:

A healthy diet can prevent the development of cardiovascular disease, degenerative disorders and metabolic diseases such as diabetes that are so widespread in the western world. On the contrary the wrong diet can trigger these diseases.

It has been shown that a diet too high in carbohydrates can cause hypertriglyceridemia, hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia in patients that suffer from diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension. For these patients, therefore, this type of diet is no recommended.

In recent years, several researchers are in search for other food items that can have a positive influence in the metabolism of glucose and triglycerides. One food item that can be very helpful is the dietary fiber. Including dietary fiber in the diet can have various metabolic benefits, especially for diabetic patients:

* Reduction of blood glucose and insulin * Reduction of plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels * Increase in satiety and therefore increase of one’s ability to control their weight.

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