Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Inspiring Type 2 Diabetes Stories

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This collection of type 2 diabetes stories has been sent in by visitors to this website.

As this collection grows you will gain an insight to the trials, tribulations and yes, sometimes even joys, of living with type 2 diabetes. But most of all I hope you gain inspiration, comfort and a sense of companionship with other diabetics around the globe. So do bookmark this page and visit often. Even better...

...if you have a story to tell; an experience to share that would help other visitors I would be delighted to consider adding it to this treasure trove of diabetes stories.

Share your diabetes story here

A Rare Form of Diabetes Caused a Mis-Diagnosis of This Baby's Condition... Christy Vacchio shares an amazing story about her young son's traumatic tale. A heart-rending story that has a more happy ending than might have been expected.

I was 'diabetic' until last Monday!! John Ainsworth tells a cautionery tale about getting it wrong...

Symptoms Mis-Diagnosed for 17 Years... This is my story about discovering my diabetes - could it have been prevented?

Starting To Take Control... Jim Mathes, like many of us, is struggling to get control of his diabetes. But he's not giving up as he explains in this message he sent to me to share with you.

Inspiring Type 1 Diabetes Stories...

Top: Inspiring Type 2 Diabetes Stories

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