Kamis, 17 November 2011

Diabetes Supply Resources

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AppId is over the quota

As I find reputable diabetes supply sources, I will add them to this page to give you an easy reference point as well as pointing them out within the appropriate pages througout the site.

Over the coming months, as this resource builds, you will find books; ebooks; test equipment; medication; application equipment such as syringes; medical professionals and a whole host of other diabetic supply sites.

Hello Fellow Diabetic,

A diabetes supply source that can help you to keep control of your blood-sugars, including measuring your levels; provide medication supplies; and all the other equipment you need is crucial to your health and well-being once you've been diagnosed as a diabetic.

The advantage of our modern high-tech age is you are no longer limited to finding your diabetic supply locally ? you can go national. Heck, you can even go international, look globally for your diabetic needs.

One word of caution though ? do check out anything you find on the world wide web ? whether linked to this site or not. And, the best people to check with, is your diabetic team ? your physician and care advisors ? who have a clear understanding of your condition, how good your control is and will know exactly what you need at this stage of your treatment.

Your Blood Sugar Levels Record Diary

It's important to keep a close check on your blood-glucose levels, especially when you have been first diagnosed and are still establishing the right care program for you.

On this unlikely diabetes supply resource, the Plasmaglucose team have given us a website facility to do just that. You create a private, secure area where you can record your test results in a blood-sugar diary. The results show as a graph and, when you are ready to make them available, can be accessed by your diabetic care team.

It is an easy and effective way of keeping everybody, who needs to be, informed about your results. What's more it is absolutely FREE.

Who Else Can Drop Their Blood Sugar Levels by 31.9%?

In independent clinical trials for type 2 diabetics a 31.9% drop in blood sugars was reported for people using this WSN Diabetic Supplement. In addition an average weight loss of 4.8 pounds was claimed.

Although aimed specifically at people with type 2 diabetes, the product has also proved to be effective for people with type 1 diabetes. It probably explains why this diabetes supply of a breakthrough supplement was validated by Nobel Prize winning technology and that's why I thought it might be a useful diabetes supply source for this website. Anyway, by the time you've added the 90-day money-back guarantee you've really got nothing to lose. Read more...

How Can Neuropathy be Reversed?

I'm happy to say that - touch wood - I haven't had to worry too much about nerve damage; neuropathy. I do understand the trauma it can lead to though, which is why I explored this website before deciding to include it on this diabetes supply links page.

The testimonials make interesting reading and the science (and medical research) behind the product seems sound.

If you suffer from nerve damage I'd suggest it's worth investigating the WSN Nerve Support Formula which treats neuropathy - especially as they offer a 90-day money-back guarantee. Read more...

How To Find Natural Relief From the Menopause

This may seem an odd thing to include as a diabetes supply link, but I decided to include it because, having gone through the menopause myself, I know how easy it is to confuse the symptoms of diabetes with some of the?reactions you get as you start to go through the menopause.? (If there are any guys reading this you ought to be thankful that you haven't got this added problem to worry about - but read on, 'cause if your wife or girlfriend does, you may be able to help them).

Frequently, treating menopausal symptoms involves either EST (estrogen replacement therapy), which has raised concerns about creating cancer risks or HRT (hormone replacement therapy) with the side-effects it can show.? For many, a natural herbal solution for treating the menopause is preferable - and probably the sooner the better if your symptoms are easily confused with diabetes hypoglycemic episodes, for example.

Unfortunately many of the natural solutions we are offered just don't seem to be effective - it's like all things, different results for different people.? Trouble is, you don't know until you try it, do you?? That's why I liked the look of this product - Menozac. They give you 90 days to check the results for yourself and if you don't get the relief you're looking for you can get your money back.? Now that suggests a degree of confidence, don't you think?? Read more...

How to Turn a Smoker Into a Non-Smoker in 30 Days or Less...

Smoking is a health risk to anyone, and even more so if you are a diabetic.? Even people smoking around you is injurious to your health.

The major hurdle for anyone who wants to quit smoking is getting through that 'cold turkey' feeling as you get nicotine withdrawal symptoms.? But what if you found a natural, easier way to stop these nicotine cravings?? What if you were able to make cigarettes taste so awful you'd never be tempted to put another one in your mouth ever again?? And what if there was no risk to discovering this easy way to quit smoking? Wouldn't that be a good diabetes supply to have access to?And what if you could do this in 30 days or less?

Just picture it; in 30 days time you are out with friends you haven't seen for a month or so and when offered a cigarette you can honestly say "I quit - I haven't smoked for 30 days now? - and in fact I can't even stand the thought of the taste of a cigarette in my mouth now!"

Well these folks have come up with a patch, called Nicocure, using a unique blend of natural ingredients that eliminates the craving of nicotine (no cold turkey here!) and makes cigarettes taste disgusting.? And they even guarantee?you'll quit smoking within 30 days or refund your money.? If lack of will-power or nicotine craving has sabotaged?your attempts to?stop smoking in the past, this is worth checking out.? Read more...

How to Handle Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety and stress is debilitating.? It saps your energy and your enjoyment of life.? And, if left untreated, can lead to depression - a real risk for a diabetic.

But we all get stress and anxiety in our lives; what counts is how we are able to handle it.? For some folks it can be a lot more difficult, especially for people with diabetes.? And that's where a diabetes supply of a natural, herbal product like Relagen can help.

If you sometimes feel that things are getting on top of you; that you can't see a way out of black moods or anxiety swings, it could just be you need some help.

And, if you are feeling particularly negative; "Nothing can make me feel better" then the money-back guarantee these folks offer might go some way to helping you take a positive step forward, so you can enjoy life again.? Read more...

How to Reduce Cravings for Sweet Foods

When you're first diagnosed as a diabetic, ignoring a craving for sweet foods may be one of the most difficult tests of your will-power.

These Triple Complex Diabetonic tissue-salts claim to keep your sugar levels stable and reduce these sweet-tooth?urges.? They also offer a 60-day money-back guarantee, which should give you enough time to check if this diabetes supply really does help you with your cravings.? Read more...

Your Diabetes Supply Suggestions

If you come across a diabetes supply resource that you believe offers a valuable, ethical and useful product to your fellow diabetics, please let me know using my contact form: tell me about a diabetes supply. Please head your message with 'Diabetes Supply Suggestion'. Thanks.

Top: Diabetes supply

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